Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Reflection: September 11, 2001

Unveiling the new blog with a reflection on the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. From a clear blue sky came horror that Americans could never imagine.


A picture of our family sitting on a picnic table overlooking Lake George, NY still hangs on our refrigerator, reminding us of a moment in time when life seemed so simple and safe.

Just a few weeks later, our country was changed forever. A calm, clear, beautiful, fall-like morning in New York City turned to horror in a matter of seconds. The world came to a standstill as it watched the events unfold in real-time on new stations around the globe.

As a 12 year old, just starting 7th grade in central New Jersey, I was unaware of the news until I arrived home after school. During the school day many of my friends as well as other students were taken out of school early by their parents. The administration of my school, as well as hundreds of others around the country never thought something like September 11 could happen and therefore had no plan for notifying students. We were told that planes had crashed in New York, Washington D.C., and Pennsylvania during our last period class and that was it. When I returned home, my parents sat down with my brother and I and explained what had taken place on our soil that Tuesday.

At the time, I remember reacting in a very matter of fact way and don't think I ever fully understood the ramifications of the terrorist attacks and how drastic the effect would be on our country and way of life. I remember going to memorial services to honor the fallen and attempt to heal the wounds from that day. Although I did not know anyone who perished, my friend's father worked in the World Trade Center and decided to stop to get coffee on his way to work. As he exited the coffee shop he saw the first plane hit, turned, and started walking back to the subway. Who knows if he would still be here if he hadn't stopped to get coffee.

Ten years later, as we reflect on that somber morning, how do we take time to pay tribute and honor those who lost their lives on September 11, 2011 and since then either fighting the war on terror or from health problems associated with helping others during the attacks?

As Andy Dufresne said in the Shawshank Redemption, "That's the beauty of music. They can't get that from you."  No matter what the situation, you can always hum a familiar tune or sing lyrics to a favorite song. Music can help bring you back to a place and a memory. Music can help heal wounds or fit your current mood. Music is also a powerful way to trigger emotions.

I'll close this reflection by leaving you with three musical tributes to 9-11-01. I hope they allow you a moment to reflect on that fateful day, what we have learned, how we have changed since then, and look to the future.

1) Paul Simon "Sound of Silence" Performance at NYC Memorial (9-11-11)

2) 2011 Madison Scouts Drum Corps Show "New York Morning"

--Just music
--Music and video

3) Penn State Blue Band 9-11-01 Tribute Halftime Show (9-11-11)

We Remember; We Will Never Forget--9.11.01

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